To Your Last Death Poster

After emerging as the sole survivor in a deadly revenge game set up by her father to punish his children, Miriam receives an offer from a supernatural entity to go back in time and try again. Now, Miriam must survive both her father’s blood lust and the Gamemaster’s ever-changing rules to save her siblings as she relives the worst night of her life.

Duration: 92 minutes

Format: HD 1.77 USA

Genre: Animated Horror

    • Strong franchise potential, establishing a unique villain with the ability to create endlessly horrific scenarios for her hapless victims.


    • Unique combination of modern, hand-drawn comic book art and digital 2D animation techniques, creating a distinctive style attractive to genre audiences.


  • Compelling cast with particular appeal to genre fans, especially in light of Morena’s recent successes with Deadpool and Gotham and the resurging popularity of the Star Trek franchise.


Coverage Ink Films presents:

“To Your Last Death”

Director: Jason Axinn


Writers: Jim Cirile & Tanya Klein

Producers: Cindi Rice, Paige Barnett, Jason Axinn

Exec Producers: Tanya Klein, James Cirile & John Frank Rosenblum

Coverage, Ink Films

Copyright © 2023 Coverage, Ink Film

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